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Tell us what you think.

This survey is anonymous. Please be honest in your feedback to help us improve the tool and better understand your needs. 

How enjoyable did you find using the tool?
How easy was it to understand how to use the urban storytelling tool?
How intuitive did you find the user interface of the “storybuilding” page?
How accurate was the AI tool in reflecting your entries on the “storybuilding” page?
How effective was the AI tool in referencing relevant urban planning narratives?
Do you think a tool of this type is useful for citizen participation activities in your city?
Would you consider using this tool in your urban planning practice?

Thanks for your feedback!

About Us

This Storytelling tool was designed as part of the Horizon Europe project UP2030 and allows for storytelling to be brought into urban planning and design at scale. It is owned and operated by the ISOCARP Institute with rights reserved.

Contact the City!

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Designed by The ISOCARP Institute
Powered and secured by Wix

Animations by <a href="" title="draw icons">Draw icons created by smalllikeart - Flaticon</a> 

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